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Doctor's Profile


Educational Qualifications and Experience

M B B S from Grant Medical Collage, Mumbai, 1973.
M D. [Medicine and Therapeutics] from Grant Medical Collage, Mumbai,1976.
Secured scholarship through entire post graduate studies.
Did residency in Diabetes unit of J.J Hospital during post graduate training period.
Visited various centers of excellence in the field of Diabetology in UK,USA and France.
Regularly attending all the International Diabetes Federation congress since 13TH. IDF congress at Sydney and presented papers at most of these conference.
In addition, have attended and presented papers at several other international diabetology Conferences such as European study Group annual conferences and World Congresses on Diabetes in tropics.

Current affiliations:

  1. Post graduate teacher in Diabetology, Maharashtra University of Medical Sciences. Post graduate teacher in Diabetology, Maharashtra University of Medical Sciences
  2. Professor of Diabetology , S. L .Raheja Hospital for diabetes, and All India Institute of Diabetes ,Mumbai.
  3. Visiting Physician and Diabetologist , Dhanvantari Hospital and Research Center, Mumbai.
  4. Consulting Diabetologist, Shushrusha Hospital, Dadar, Mumbai
  5. Post Graduate teacher in Diabetology, College of Physician & Surgeons, Mumbai.
  6. Visiting Diabetologist, S.R.Mehta, Cardiac Hospital, Mumbai
  7. Panel Diabetologist, Air India
  8. Panel Senior Consultant in Diabetes, Oil and Natural Gas Corporation.

Past Affiliation :

  1. Hon .Prof .of Medicine. Grant Medical Collage, Mumbai.
  2. Visiting Physician, Saint George’s Hospital, an university affiliated teaching hospital.

List of Publications of Dr. Pradeep G. Talwalkar International Publications Including Abstracts

  1. Epidemiology of allopathic antidiabetic treatment in India. Diabetologia 40: (supplement) 739, 1997.
  2. A study of modes of treatment in type 2 patients with diabetes attending outpatient clinic. Diabetologia 40 (supplement) 1369, 1997.
  3. Hypoglycemia unawareness among non insulin dependant diabetics treated with sulphonylurea. Diabetes: 40, 548A, 1991.
  4. Organizing private primary level diabetes clinic. Diabetes: 40:-360-A, 1991.
  5. Prevalence of vitiligo in diabetes mellitus .Diabetes Research and clinical practice.5: s-347,1988.
  6. A study of HLA antigens in psoriasis in Indian population. Volume of abstracts of world congress in Dermatology. 1987.
  7. Homocystine lowering Vitamins –Don’t write them off! Annals of Internal Medicine; 2006; 145:226-227.
  8. Co-existence of dyslipidemia and hyper homocystinemia in high risk people with type 2 Diabetes . Diabetes Medicine; 23,P 2014,2006.
  9. Comparative effect of atorvastatin and atorvastatin with homocysteine loweraing vitamins on carotid intima - Media Thickness in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Medicine 23, P, 2013, 2006.
  10. A survey of awareness of availability of insulin vials and syringes in different strengths and implications of mismatches among patients with diabetes on insulin Therapy. Diabetes Medicine, 23,P, 1605, 2006.
  11. Hypertension in types 2 diabetes - A Study of blood pressure control and trends in prescription of antihypertensive agents. Diabetes Medicine; 23 P1678, 2006.
  12. Burden of neuropathic pain in Indian patients attending specialty clinics, Results from a cross sectional study. Pain Practice,8:362 – 378,2008.
  13. Improving glycemic control with Insulin Detemir in Combination with OAD’s. Sudhir Tripathy, Pradeep Gopal Talwalkar,Bhaskaran Nair Jaykumar, Ashok Moharana, Ankit Pathak, Ambika Gopalkrishnana Unnikrishnan, Diabetes, 58[supl.-1],A 713, 2009.

Chapters in Textbooks and Monographs

  1. Porphyria in API Textbook of Medicine,5th.edition, 1992,and also 6th edition, 1999. Published by Association of Physicians of India.
  2. Wilson’s disease in API Textbook of Medicine,5th. edition,1992,and also in 6th edition, 1999. Published by Association of Physicians of India.
  3. Diagnosis of Diabetes mellitus ,in API Textbook of Medicine, 6th edition ,1999. Published by Association of Physicians of India.
  4. Hypoglycemia in API textbook of Medicine ,6th edition ,1999. Published by Association of Physicians of India.
  5. Diabetes mellitus in Medical Therapeutics, 2nd edition , Editors, G.S. Sainani, V.R. Joshi; and P.J .Mehta. , B .I. Churchill Livingstone, New Delhi, 1998.
  6. Diabetes mellitus in elderly , Geriatrics and Gerontology , a Textbook , 1st edition , editor O.P. Sharma , published by A.N,B. Publishers Private Ltd., New Delhi,1999.
  7. The Syndrome X, in Medicine Update Published by API,1993.
  8. Insulin Resistance: Syndromes, Mechanisms and Implications, in Current Concepts in Diabetes. Published by Indian Collage of Physicians, 1992.
  9. Hypertension and Diabetes in Current Concepts in Hypertension, published by Indian Collage of Physicians, 1994.
  10. Drug induced hypoglycemia, a major hurdle in management of diabetes, in Medicine update published by API in 1997.
  11. Hypoglycemia in adults, Diagnosis and Management, in Medicine update published by API in 1996.
  12. Acute myocardial infarction and other cardiovascular complications of Diabetic ketoacidosis. Medicine Update published by API in 1998.
  13. Hyperhomocysteinemia & it’s implications is Atherosclerosis. The Indian Scenario – Medical Update 2007, Published by Association of Physicians of India.
  14. Coronay Artery Disease Prevention in Diabetes ,Medicine Update 2000, Published by Association of Physicians of India.
  15. Post Prandial Hyperglycemia, Implications and Management. – Medical Update Published by Association of Physicians of India. 20, 2010, 139-141.
  16. Intensive V/S Conventional Insulin Therapy In ICU. Controversies in Type 2 Diabetes, Ed. B. M. Jayraman, Publisher Micro Labs Ltd, Bangalore, 2010, 100- 103.
  17. Metabolic memory in Hyperglycemic and hypoglycemic complications of diabetes mellitus. Editor, Ashokkumar Das, published by Micro Labs, Bangalore, 2013.
  18. Options for attenuating post prandial excursions in T2DM. Innovative approaches in Type 2 diabetes, published by Micro Labs. Bangalore, Ed. Dr B. M. Jayram, 2011.


  1. Diabetes and Surgery, Jour, Diab. Asso. India 37:145-148, 1997.
  2. Hyperosmolar non kenotic diabetes coma, a case report, Jour Diab . Asso. India, 31 :38, 1991.
  3. Sulphonylurea induced hypoglycemia with gross neurological deficit, Jour . Diab. Asso. India,30 .3. 1990.
  4. Prevalence of Vitiligo in Diabetes mellitus, Jour , Diab. . Asso. India, 32; 73, 1992.
  5. Fatal hypoglycemia in elderly Diabetic on a combination of Phenformin and Chlorpropamide, Jour Diab . Asso,India,26;23,1986.
  6. Misconceptions about Diabetes .,Jour .Diab.Asso.India,25;70,1985.
  7. Vitiligo and diabetes a clinical study, Abstract book of National Conference of Indian Association of Dermatologists, Veneriologists ,and Leprologists, 1980.
  8. Phenformin induced Lactic acidosis in elderly NIDDM patient, JAPI 42;643-44,1994.
  9. Diet in Insulin Dependent Diabetes mellitus, JAPI ,(supplement),39-41,1995.
  10. Role of exercise in the management of diabetes, Jour. Diabetes Asso. India, 28;39,1988.
  11. Gatifloxacin induced severe hypoglycemia in a patient with type 2 Diabetes mellitus JAPI, 2006, 54, 53-54.
  12. Severe hypoglycemia in a patient with type 2 Diabetes mellitus on Metformin Monotherapy. JAPI 2007,55 458-59.
  13. Safety and efficacy of S. Metoprolol in the treatment of Diabetes mellitus and Hypertension. Indian Medical Gazette, 2007; 139-44.
  14. The diabetes foot (Editorial) JAPI :49, 509-10,2001.
  15. Pre employment medical Assessment. Indian Jour of occupational health, 30;35-38,1987.
  16. Diurnal and seasonal variations in long wave ultraviolet light content of sunlight over the city of Bombay Indian dermatol venerol. lepro.46.346-49, 1980.
  17. The effect of long wave ultraviolet irradiation on serum folic acid levels. Indian J. Hematology 3, 85-86, 1985.
  18. Evaluation of 8 Methoxypsoralen and solar Ultraviolet light (PUVASOL) Psoriasis. Indian J. Demerol Venereol. Lepro. 47, 17-20, 1981.
  19. Comparative efficacy of Cimetidine and Ranitidine (Letter) JAPI, 35, 1987.
  20. Mebendazole and retrograde travel of round worms. JAPI, 35, 671, 1987.
  21. Paroxysmal Muscular Cramps as presenting Manifestation of Thyrotoxicosis. (Case report) Neurology India. 34; 63-65, 1986.
  22. A Study of Serum psoralen levels is human Volunters, Therapeatics and Drugs. 5, 29-30, 1988.
  23. Photochemotheraphy of Psoriases Indian J Dermatol. Venereol. Leprol. 46, 294-98, 1986.
  24. Arsenic Encephalopathy. A report of two cases. JAPI 24, 869-71, 1976.
  25. Peripartum Cardiomyopathy, A Clinico pathological study, JAPI 26, 793-98, 1978.
  26. A Study of T. Lymphocytes is iron deficiency anemia. JAPI 30, 897-98, 1982.
  27. Diet in Insulin dependant diabetes mellites JAPI 1995 Supplement I.
  28. Life threatening hyproglycemia is elderly NIDDM patients on sulphonyloreas. Indian J. Internal Medicine, 3, 146-48, 1993.
  29. Delayed hypoglycemia following possible drug interaction between Gliben clamide or it’s metabolite and warferin is a eldenly type 2 diabetic patient. Clinical pharmacology and Therapertics 14-16, 1995.
  30. Very late Hypoglycemia is an Eldenly diabetic on Glibenclamide. The Antiseptic, 96, 212-273, 1994
  31. Central Nervours System - Not forgotten. JAPI, 42, 925, 1994.
  32. Hypertension – Massive Community Education Programme – The need of the day – JAPI, 33 : 82, 1985.
  33. Diabetes and Hypertension Jour. , Diabet. Asso. India, 34, 72-78, 1994.
  34. Rhino- occulo cerebral Mucormycosis in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes mellitus. JAPI, 57, 407-08, 2009.
  35. Protocol of an observational study to evaluate diabetic nephropathy through detection of microalbuminurea in Indian patients. Indian Journal of endocrinology and metabolism. 2013; 17: 496-504.


  1. Recent advances in management of diabetes . La Medicine En France,259,1989.
  2. Management of hyperosmolar non ketotic diabetic coma Ind.Jour Int.Medicine .2;170,1992.
  3. Newer Insulins .La Medicine En France,5.1.1991.
  4. The epidemiology of diabetes. Physician’s Digest 8;73-79-1999.
  5. Current status of OHA in the management of Diabetes mellitus. Jour. J.J. Group of Hospital and Grant Medical College ,22;1-5,1977.
  6. Alpha one antitrypsin deficiency in pulmonary Emphysema . Jour J. J .Group of Hospital and GMC, 22.1-6.1977.
  7. Immunoglobulins in health and Diseases. Jour J.J. Group of Hospital and GMC 22, 177-83-1977.
  8. Unusual Neurological manifestations of hypothyroidism. Jour J. J .Group of Hospital and GMC, 24, 153-57.1979.
  9. Immune deficiency Diseases, Jour. J .J, Group in Hospital and GMC 22,170-76,1977.


  1. Assistant Editor of Association of Physicians of India’s Textbook of Medicine,6TH edition,1999.
  2. Executive editor “Current concepts in diabetes, published by Indian College of physicians 1993.
  3. Executive editor “Current concepts in hypertension ’’Published by Indian Collage of physicians 1994.
  4. ;Member of editorial board of Journal of Association of physicians of India for about a decade till 2009.
  5. Currently, Member editor board Indian Journal of Clinical Medicine.
  6. Currently, member editorial board of Journal of Diabetes Association of India.


  1. Author of Handbook of management of non insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, 1993.
  2. Author, “How to live a good quality life in spite of Diabetes” 1997.
  3. Author, a book on Diabetes for patients and their near and dear ones. In. Marathi. 1999. (Now in 4 th, ed.)
  4. Author of a book on Diabetes for patients and their near and dear ones. In Gujarati, 2006.
  5. Author of “Practical Diabetes mellitus (now in 4th ed)
  6. Author of’ Handbook for management of non insulin dependent diabetes mellitus.
  7. Living Easy with diabetes, published by Penguin India, 2013.


  1. Life Member Association of Physicians of India [Was it’s Govering body member for 4 years.]
  2. Fellow, Indian College of Physicians [Was on its faculty Council for four years, and Jt. Secretary for 2 years]
  3. Life Member, Diabetes Association of India and member of it’s scientific committee for 9 successive years in past.
  4. Life member Indian Medical Association.
  5. Life member Indian Society of Hypertension.
  6. Life member Indian Society of Clinical pharmacology and Therapeutics.
  7. Member American Diabetes Association

Research Project Recently Completed

  1. 1. Principal Investigator at S.L.Raheja Hospital site for Multicentric, Multinational Randomized Comparative Clinical trial on Sitagliptin and Metfermin is type 2 diabetes Mellitus.

Ongoing Research Project

  1. A Phase IV oral Insulin study on type 2 Diabetic patients not responding to oral anti-diabetic Medications.


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